I always do a search for good photo locations when I visit an area, and a trip to Lake Tahoe in California was no exception. I read in an interesting blog post that Emerald Bay was a great location and so I decided to try some sunset shots there. Not too great as the sun didn’t really co-operate, but I did get chatting to a fellow photographer also out that evening and it turned out to be Scott Thompson – the author of the original blog post that had taken me there! He told me of some waterfalls just down the road from where I parked that were great for sunrise images so the next morning I was there again and over the wall, across the river and there I had snow, the waterfall and the sun rising in the distance!

I moved around that area to try to capture different views of the rapidly flowing water, looking for compositions that appealed to me. This one with a side view of the many elements of the Lower Eagle Falls was particularly appealing:

It is always fascinating to search around an area for the perfect shot and so I left my waterfall and tried one of the rocky areas with a view of Emerald Bay. Using a small aperture on my lens gave me this image of the rising sun creating a starburst behind one of the trees struggling to grow out of the rock:

And finally, a broader look at the lake and bay with an interesting tree providing some foreground interest:

Incidentally, this morning was almost the end of my career as a photographer. As I was coming down the hill to this location in my rental car, I felt the car start to slide on the wet (and, yes, icy) road as I tried to brake. Luckily, I managed to slow down before the bend, but I did then check the tires on the car. This was the front wheel:

All the way back to San Francisco we were watching out for the slightest bit of rain or water on the road. Not a great amount of grip left on this tire!
Louis Dallara Fine Art Photography
22 Feb 2022WOW, amazing water falls photographs. Glad you made it back with those bad tires.
22 Feb 2022Thanks Louis. Luck comes into it with good light but being there is half the battle!
Deb Beausoleil
28 Feb 2022What a wonderful story and the photographs are breathtaking! What a stroke of luck to run into the author of the blog that wrote the article that brought you there. It’s such a small world.
Steve Heap
28 Feb 2022Thanks! Yes, it was really lucky to meet him! The weather helped as well!